What happens if I don't have insurance? We offer cash-based, and a hybrid of cash-based plus insurance services. Our prices are competitive, please call the office for more information.
What happens if I have insurance and I'm out of network?You will still be able to access our service through the cash-based plus insurance hybrid in which your clinic visits will be a cash-paid option, for which payment is due at the time of service, but your laboratory and ancillary (CT scan, X-rays, MRI scan, and other tests) can still be billed through your insurance carrier. We will provide you with an itemized bill that you may then submit to your insurance carrier for reimbursement purposes according to your out of network coverage.
What happens with the costs of labs and imaging? 1. Remains the same, but please be aware that there will be a $40 charge for returned checks and insufficient funds.
2. If your insurance is in-network, our laboratory services provider and third-party service provider (imaging, facilities, PT, hospitals, etc) will bill your insurance carrier directly. Please be aware that you are responsible for confirming coverage of these tests and services with your insurance carrier.
3. If you are using out-of-network benefits for our services, our laboratory and imaging partners may be able to submit claims directly to your insurance company, if these partners have in-network participation status.
What happens if I have in-network insurance? That's good news! We welcome you with open arms, but please be aware because there are numerous plans under each insurance carrier, you are still responsible for confirming coverage for a visit at The Doctor's House. If coverage is denied, you will be responsible for the cost of service provided.