
Got Brain Fog? Your Hormones Could Be to Blame

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Got Brain Fog? Your Hormones Could Be to Blame

Nothing is more disconcerting than problems focusing, confusion, forgetfulness, or a general haziness in thought. People often refer to these issues collectively as “brain fog.”

The challenge with brain fog is that it has numerous causes, including poor nutrition, lack of sleep, certain medications, and even health-related issues, like long COVID. And there’s another common culprit behind these cognitive symptoms: hormones.

Dr. Adepero Okulaja uses root cause medicine to get to the source of your symptoms at The Doctor’s House in Edina, Minnesota. If you’ve been experiencing brain fog, there are some common signs that your hormones could be to blame. 

You’re in perimenopause or menopause

One of the most obvious signs that your hormones are behind your foggy brain involves your age, especially if you’re a woman. Hormone fluctuations leading up to and into menopause can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from night sweats, negative mood, and disrupted sleep. Brain fog is another common problem.

Studies show that people in the early stages of perimenopause, especially in their first year, experience more cognitive disturbances than others further along. However, up to two-thirds of those in perimenopause report concentration problems, forgetfulness, and memory decline.

Fortunately, intense brain fog seems to subside after menopause. 

If you have brain fog and you’re between 40-50 years of age, it’s likely your hormones. Younger women aren’t completely off the hook, however. You can also undergo bouts of brain fog during your menstrual cycle.

You’re experiencing ED or related symptoms

Low testosterone can trigger cognitive issues, too. In the past, experts primarily associated testosterone with sexual desire and function. However, this hormone also plays a role in your brain health, including how you think and process information.

In addition to erectile dysfunction, signs of low testosterone include:

  • Decreased sex drive and semen production
  • Reduced testicle size, not related to cold temperature
  • Decreased energy levels
  • Problems sleeping
  • Increased body fat
  • Reduced muscle and bone mass
  • Mood swings or changes in mood

Approximately 2% of men have low testosterone. It can affect anyone, but the chances of imbalance increase with age. If you have any of these symptoms along with brain fog, it could be your hormones.

Finding help for brain fog

Dr. Okulaja can determine if your hormones are the cause of your brain fog. It all starts with a comprehensive exam and simple tests. If she diagnoses a hormone imbalance, she can help get your system back on track. This could involve hormone therapy.

However, Dr. Okulaja also integrates wellness care methods to support your physical, emotional, and mental well-being as well, such as:

Dr. Okulaja also offers strategies to help eliminate bad habits, like substance misuse and smoking. 

This whole-body approach can help bring your hormones back into balance in no time. And Dr. Okulaja continues monitoring them and making adjustments to your program as needed so you continue feeling your best — free of brain fog.

Your brain fog could be your body trying to tell you something. Contact The Doctor’s House by phone or online to schedule a visit with Dr. Okulaja today.